Career Compass: LinkedIn’s Top 25 High-Growth Jobs


The landscape of employment is undergoing significant transformation, encompassing everything from the methods and locations of our work to the competencies required for success. 

According to LinkedIn, the skill requirements for jobs have altered by 25% since 2015, with an anticipated global change of 65% by 2030. 

At the same time, the advancement of artificial intelligence and automation presents both fresh opportunities and obstacles for employees and businesses.

LinkedIn’s recent report, based on data in the US from 2019 to 2023, provides some insight for those looking to shift careers.

This report lists the 25 fastest-growing jobs, including information on industries and locations hiring, and the fields from which people are transitioning. This is particularly useful for career changers facing stiff competition from more experienced candidates in their new chosen field. 

For each position, you’ll discover details regarding remote and hybrid work options, prevalent skills, existing job vacancies, and more. 

If you are considering a shift to one of these fields but are uncertain about your qualifications. There are useful links to individuals you might know in the highlighted roles, enabling you to reach out and gather further insights. Additionally, they’ve  included access to complimentary courses designed to equip you with the necessary expertise.

For job seekers exploring a career pivot, this report highlights potential areas to consider and emphasizes the importance of strategic planning and market research. Focusing on high-growth fields can increase the chances of success in a new industry.